Julian Assange speaks from prison

Julian Assange speaks out from behind his prison cell in London to defend himself and attack the financial companies that suspended payments to his WikiLeak website.   Assange told his mother that he is committed to publishing some 250,000 pages of secret U.S. diplomatic cables despite condemnation from Washington and elsewhere.  According to his mother, Assange remains undaunted in his  quest to stand firm on his convictions.  When asked “was it worth it,” he replied in a written statement, “If anything this process has increased my determination that they are true and correct.  Assange is still trying to secure bail in London in an effort to fight extradition to Sweden in a sex crime investigation where he is accused of rape, and sexual molestation.   Some of the disclosures of WikiLeak have offended U.S. allies and angered its rivals.  Officials in Washington claim some other countries have already curtailed their dealings with the U.S. government as a result.  Assange claims that major companies like Visa, Mastercard and Paypal are among those companies involved in U.S. foreign policy and he is calling on the world to protect his work and people from these illegal and immoral attacks.  According to reports from U.S. prosecutors,  Assange  could be indicted for espeonage after WikiLeak’s publication of cables.

Julian Assange’s WikiLeak

Charming, cagey, brilliant mind.  These are some of the adjectives that describe Julian Assange.   This is the  39 year old Australian creator of  WikiLeak Media was recently arrested in London for sex crimes in Sweden.  According to one media,  Assange  is now the most dangerous man in America.    He is also wanted by officials around the world for his website, WikiLeak publications of documents containing confidential information.   WikiLeak is  a non-profit media organization dedicated to bringing important news and information to the public.  They claim to provide innovative, secure and anonymous ways for independent sources around the world to leak information to their journalist  who publish material of ethical, political and historic significance while keeping the identification of their sources anonymous.    Some say he has built a public firewall around himself.  Assange claims that if anything happens to him, others will release key leaks.

December 2010

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