Chilean Miners “Free at Last”

The world watched Tuesday night as the first of 33 miners were pulled to safety.  Rescuers used a missle-like escape capsule to pull 33  trapped men one by one to safety.  For 69 days these miners were trapped in a collapsed mine almost half a mile under the earth.  Florencio Avalos was the first miner to reach the surface.  Avalos hugged his sobbing seven year old son, Bairon and hugged his wife, then gave a big bear hug to the Chilean President, Sebastian Pinera and rescuers.   Mario Sepulveda was the second to come up.  Mr. Sepulveda handed out rocks as gifts to cheering crowds, saying, I’m so happy.”    Juan Illanes, 52 was third.  He greeted his family and was taken out on a stretcher. He was followed by Carlos Mamani, a 24 yr. old Bolivian.   The men miraculously  endured extreme heat, approx. 90 degrees, very little rations and extrenuous conditions  for more than 2 months, however they demonstrated the true spirit of unity echoing proudly,” when Chile pulls together, we are capable of great things.”

CNN Talk-Show Host Fired for Name-calling

CNN New Anchor and Talk Show Host, Rick Sanchez was fired last week for slamming CNN and making biased remarks about  Comedy Central, Jon Stewart.   After calling Stewart a “bigot,” Sanchez’ remarks were aired on  radio Sept. 30.  A day later he was fired.  Sanchez also made reference to Jews being a  minority.  He also highlighted that currently no African American prime time cable newscasts, excluding news magazines, has African Americans, Asian Americans or Hispanic hosts. During a later interview with News Contributor, George Stephanopoulos, Sanchez  admitted he was wrong and apologized, saying he should not have said those things and that his words were wrong and offensive.   Sanchez further stated that he would absolutely like to return to his job if CNN offered.  He further stated that he had no beef with Jon Stewart or CNN.

The Race for Seats

Republicans and Democrats are in a heated race to control Congress in November.  Republicans are expanding their base in districts that were typically controlled by Democrats.  Republicans made new investments in at least 10 races across the country.  With only 3 weeks left to go, the Democrats are struggling to hold on to their position.  Democrats  have increased their spending on two New York races as well as seats in Colorado, Illinois, Kentucky and Massachusetts.  Ohio is  still a major battle ground.  Republicans are trying hard to keep Democrats on the defensive.  Latest polls are promising for the Republican National Party.

Rahm Emanuel leaving for greener pastures?

President Obama’s staff adviser, Rahm Emanuel has officially resigned from his position as top adviser to the President.  CNN has reported  that Mr. Emanuel is leaving to run for mayor of Chicago.  Emanuel, who has roots in Chicago, will be visiting the  city’s public places and getting acquainted with business and residents in Chicago.  I wonder what kind of vacuum this will create in the White House administration and if his successor will be adequate to fill the bill.?  Is Emanuel really leaving for greener pastures or some other reason.

President Obama

President Obama was in Philadelphia speaking to students about bullying.  He encouraged them to remember to appreciate

each others diversity.  We really need to address the root problems of bullying such as  respect, discipline, caring.

Poverty in America

CNN report on poverty in America in our country has grown significantly in the past year.  A lot of it is

caused by unemployment.   Even middle class Americans are falling in this category.

Christine O’Donnell

Christine O’Donnell should have realized that she would be attacked.  She should stop running away from the media and use

it instead to strengthen her cause.  There’s an old say, “If you can’t stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.”  When she continues to dodge the press, it makes her look weak and guilty.  We need strong leadership who know how to stand firm and face adversity, not someone who cries because they are attacked.  She is not going to win any race simply on her innocent looks and charm. “Be a woman Christine and stand your ground!

Chip Flowers for Delaware Treasurer

Chip Flowers for Delaware Treasurer.

Koran Burning

Koran Burning.


Tea Party crasher, Christine O’Donnell trumped over two time Republican Mike Castle in a

stunning victory for the Senate on Tuesday.  Did she take a page out of Sarah Palin’s playbook?

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